Store generated PDFs

Hi, I'm generating reports weekly. One for myself, and one for the employees. I have it setup as it shown on the screenshots. So every week I'd filter by dates and generate a PDF that I can download for myself or email to the employees. The PDF is generated every week, so the newly generated PDF appears under "PDF" field in place of the old one, but I'd like to store the previous records somewhere where they'd be easily accessible, I basically need to store only generated PDF and it's name generated by the dates, and as for the drivers with their name and dates, or store them within their records. How can I achieve that?

6 replies

    • Fred
    • 2 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    You probably want to create a new table that stores just your printouts. From what I've seen on Nioxus' webinars is they don't link their document table to any other table. The document record has field(s) that store recordId of the tables that you want it to link to. I think the thought behind is that the docs table can deleted without breaking anything. In case it becomes too big, I think.

    So for you, you would store the document, have a file name, a print date, probably a child table that stores all of the recordIds you need to link to.

    Then you would modify your buttons to store the documents in the new table.

      • CFO
      • Alina_Morgovsky
      • 2 mths ago
      • Reported - view

       Thank You. That's what I was thinking as well, as you can see on the screenshot, I have a table "Payout Reports" created, that's where I was trying to store the files, but I couldn't get it to work for some reason. Would you happen to know a practical example of such ?

      • Fred
      • 2 mths ago
      • Reported - view

      You could modify your GENERATE button in the first screenshot to create the new records. Do you need help with that code? Can you post the code you have so far that is not working? or post a sample DB.

      • CFO
      • Alina_Morgovsky
      • 2 mths ago
      • Reported - view

      I think I figured it out, thank you

      • Fred
      • 2 mths ago
      • Reported - view

       Glad to hear you have a solution. If you can provide a brief summary of what you did and post the code that you ended up with that would be very helpful for others who come upon this post. Also please mark the post answered as well.

      • CFO
      • Alina_Morgovsky
      • 2 mths ago
      • Reported - view

       here's the code:

      let myPdf := printAndSaveRecord(this, "Report Driver");
      let fileName := this.Name + ".pdf";
      let recordDate := today();
      PDF := importFile(this, myPdf, fileName);
      let newDoc := (create 'Payout Reports');
      newDoc.(File := importFile(this, myPdf, fileName));
      newDoc.(Name := fileName);
      newDoc.(Date := recordDate);
      alert("Document saved successfully!")

      And attached a screenshot of the stored docs.