Where is documentation for formular functions and features?

I've been reading the online manual and the pdf version. Both covers formulas - but not in depth. 

* Where do I find a complete description of build in functions and global system variables (if any)? 
   For instance formula functions such as openFullscreen is not mentioned.

* How to open a view of another from a connected record and filter the view based on that record?
   Ex. You have opened a project and now you want to see all the connected tasks in a full screen view, preferably in the kanban view you've already created.

* How to open and filter any view from a button formular?

* how do I change the text/language on the buttons for "create record" in subtables?

Thank you


1 reply

    • Jesper_Ordrup
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view


    I found openfullscreen here https://ninox.com/en/manual/calculations/reference-of-functions-and-language - it just doesnt show up when searching forum https://ninox.com/en/support/search/manual?q=openfullscreen 

    is forum broken?


    I also found how to open a table and a specific view using "openTable(tableName, viewName)" as found on the same page. 

    Im still missing:

    * How to open a view of another from a connected record and filter the view based on that record?
    Ex. You have opened a project and now you want to see all the connected tasks in a full screen view, preferably in the kanban view you've already created.



    ps- Is forum broken