Horizontal line separator in form
Is there a simple way to draw a horizonal line in a form, to visually separate sections?
6 replies
Create a "Head" layout element with empty title and select a bottom or top border in it's style attributes.
How do I have the Head without any text? If I try to delete the default "Head", or put in just a Space character, it displays the text "Undefined".
The presence of the text also makes the block significantly tall, and it seems it can't be redued in size beyond a pretty big height. Any way to shrink it down?
Create a "Head" layout element.. Give it a name ... then set the style / color to rgb 238/238/238 ... if using the default background color... If using a different background color.. use that rgb.
I cannot help you with the size of the element.. :(
Thanks Mconneen. I'm starting to get the hang of a few of these things, but the relatively limited design and styling capabilities make things a bit tough.
Or you can use a formula field and hide the label ,with this as formula: html("<hr>")
in the style chose background rgb as above.
@Steven... I always forget about the html hacks! Thanks!
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- 5 yrs agoLast active
- 6Replies
- 1552Views