New line in text-field
How can i simulate the "enter" button for a new line in a textfield?
field 1 + " enterfunction? " + field 2
9 replies
You have to enter a line break in the string.
Example code:
function log(message : text) do
Log := Log + message + "
end;This function would add a message to the log field, followed by a line break.
In your example, it would have to be:
field1 + "
" + field2 -
thnx for the reply but i didn't get it to work. I guess I explained wrong.
the code i had was :
Field := "_________________________ " + today() + " _________________________" + Field
I just want the date in the beginning of a field so i can start typing in the next line
thats why i asked to insert a line break at the end of my text-insert
and if possible the cursor ready at that point but i'm not sure it can
What you show there can only be a formula field and they can only be modified through code not in the edit screen.
So, to accomplish what you want to do you would create a formula field and below/after that you would create a text field.
In the formula field's formula you would enter:
"_________________________ " + today() + " _________________________"
Since formula fields never receive focus in the edit screen the text field would automatically have the focus.
It is works in Ninox client but not works in Ninox Cloud when I would like to send an email with:
something else"
Resoult in Ninox Clinet:
something else
Result in Ninox Cloud:
textsomething else
Thanks for the help
... and I treid it on Windows and Mac Cloud. The result are the same.
Try option+return.
Thnaks. But does not work.
Thnx for the solution, the "option" + "return" works
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- 5 yrs agoTue, February 4, 2020 at 3:39 PM UTCLast active
- 9Replies
- 3847Views