is there a way to set the value of a number field with a formula or a button?
I have a field filled by the user with the amount given by a client with a method selection (cash, credit...). But It could be possible for a client to give some cash and pay the rest with a credit if my first amount is less then the total, my second field will be shown and then I can enter a new amount with new method...
But if I still have an amount entered in the second field and I change the first field to the full amount, my second field will be hidden but will keep it s number...and I use this field to calculate other field...
I would like to be able to say '' if field #1 = total then field #2 = 0'' to reset the field if needed...
I have tryed to make a formula field = to field #2 or 0 but it makes my table to lag and bug... and we cannot enter any formula in number field...
any ideas? Thanks!
1 reply
Use an After Update trigger on field 1. Something like..
if 'Field 1' = total then 'Field 2' := 0 end
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- 5 yrs agoLast active
- 1Replies
- 1712Views