Sum Total, Filtered by certain parameters


Not sure of the right way around this, I have employees, who submit 'pricesheets' each week for approval. Every submitted 'pricesheet' is linked to a table called 'Pay Week' to help clearly seperate approvals by week. When looking at a 'Pricesheet' , it would be useful to see a balance of prices submitted and linked to that same week within the record, the balance being specific to the employee also linked to that pricesheet.

So I have:

a 'Pay Week' Table (Week 1, Week 2, Week 3) - a one to many relationship to Price Sheets

an 'Employee' Table (James, John, David) - a one to many relation ship to Price Sheets

a 'Pricesheet' Table (Submission Total 1, Submission Total 2, etc) - Many to One Pay Week, Many to One Employee

Formula Needs to : Sum of Pricesheet Totals, specific to the Employee and Pay Week of current Record being looked at

Hope that makes sense, Thanks

1 reply

    • Richard_Bramall
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view


    Thankyou Sakhi for resolving this query for me :

    let wk := 'Weeks of Year'.'Pay Week';
    let emp := Employee.'First Name' + Employee.Surname;
    sum((select 'Timesheet Submissions')['Weeks of Year'.'Pay Week' = wk and Employee.'First Name' + Employee.Surname = emp and 'Send to Payroll' = true].'Payroll Amount')