Small problem with this formula


I have a small problem with this formula:


let check := dialog(" ATENCION ", " ¿Confirma el SETUP de la tabla de AVANCES_PROYECTO ? ", ["Si", "No"]);
if check = "Si" then
    for loop1 in select 'FECHAS-CORTE' do
        DataDate := loop1.Date;
        let xDoc := first(select DOCUMENTOS);
        let xFld1 := xDoc.'Avance Plan';
        let xFld2 := xDoc.'Avance Real';
        let xFld3 := xDoc.Semana;
        let xFld4 := xDoc.DataDate;
        let i := (create AVANCES_PROYECTO);
        i.('Avance Plan' := xFld1);
        i.('Avance Real' := xFld2);
        i.('Semana Corte' := xFld3);
        i.('Fecha Corte Semana' := xFld4)


It works fine, it give me the correct result, but it does not return to the date on I which the cutoff datewas made, it stays on the last date.

If I have 12 weeks and cutoff on week 3 the Formula finish on week 12 but din't return to the 3 week.

4 replies

    • Fred
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I'm not sure what table you are starting in. I say this because you say:

    DataDate := loop1.Date;

    and I don't know what table the field DataDate is in.

    Let us walk through your for loop command:

    You start by gathering all records from the FECHAS-CORTE table. Then for each record in the table you do:

    1) set the field DataDate to equal the value of the Date field in FECHAS-CORTE. Again I'm not sure which table this formula starts in.

    2) then you gather the first record from the DOCUMENTOS table and set a few variables. One of the variables points to a field called DataDate. I'm unsure if this is supposed to be the same one as from the first step.

    3) then you create a new record in the AVANCES_PROYECTO table and set fields in this table to equal fields from the DOCUMENTOS table.

    4) this all repeats for each record in FECHAS-CORTE.

    If I have 12 weeks and cutoff on week 3 the Formula finish on week 12 but din't return to the 3 week.

    How are you telling Ninox there is a "cutoff on week 3"?

    • Rafael Sanchis
    • Rafael_Sanchis
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view


    Hi Fred.

    In the Table FECHACORTE in the field DataDate here I change the Date, every friday.

    In the Table FECHAS-CORTE I have the list of Dates I have CutOff.

    The result is place in the AVANCES-PROYECTO.

    The Formula works, but no return to the date I change in Table FECHACORTE

    • Fred
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Please tell me which table and button/trigger you want to put this formula in?

    Rafael said:
    The Formula works, but no return to the date I change in Table FECHACORTE
    for loop1 in select 'FECHAS-CORTE' do
            DataDate := loop1.Date;

    Here you are setting the DataDate to be equal to the Date field in FECHAS-CORTE. So no matter what you manually enter in the DataDate field, the moment you run the script it will set it to whatever value the Date field is in FECHAS-CORTE.

    If you were to set the DateDate to 8-Jul-22. You have 14 records in FECHAS-CORTE. What exactly do you want to happen when the script is run.

    • Rafael Sanchis
    • Rafael_Sanchis
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view


    On table FECHACORTE activar Set Up  yes/no you vie two Buttons the Setup Tabla - Avances PLAN y CURVA here is the Formula.