storing system variables
I worked out a way of storing named global variables using a GLOBALS table and two global scripts.
If this is of any use to anyone, I would be happy to post my solution.
5 replies
Hi Louis
Yes please! Always interested to see what other developers have come up with.
Regards John
The scripts and field descriptions are below.
I use this to store text values during the session, but it can apply to any field type.
let result = setGlobal( globalName, value)
let result = getGlobal(globalName)
The key is to bind storedGName at the server and bind storedGValue at the browser (local memory) in the table named GLOBAL.
The values are stored in a table called Globals.
#{// *******************************************************}#;
#{// ***************** FUNCTION Set Global ***********************}#;
#{// *******************************************************}#;
function setGlobal(gName : text,gValue : text) do
let xResult := "";
let xFind := "";
let xCnt := 0;
let xGName := lower(gName);
let xGValue := gValue;
if gName = null then
let xResult := "error - gName empty.";
let xCnt := cnt(select globals where storedGName = xGName);
if xCnt = 0 then
#{// if null, then no record was found so create one and store the global name and value.*}#;
let p := (create globals);
p.(storedGName := xGName);
p.(storedGValue := xGValue);
#{// *alert("A xResult is null" + xResult + "<< (Null)");**}#;
"ok -A"
#{// if not null, then a record was found so store the global value.*}#;
let xFind := last(select globals where storedGName = xGName);
xFind.(storedGValue := xGValue);
#{// *alert("xResult**=" + xResult + "<<(not null)");**}#;
"Ok -B"
#{// *******************************************************}#;
#{// ***************** get Global ***********************}#;
#{// *******************************************************}#;
function getGlobal(gName : text) do
let xGName := lower(gName);
let xResult := "";
let xCnt := 0;
if gName = null then
xResult := "error - gName empty.";
xResult := last(select globals where storedGName = xGName).storedGValue
#{//}#; -
Nifty, thanks
Do you have a sample database I can see this working in?
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- 1 yr agoLast active
- 5Replies
- 179Views