Dynamic printing and join tables


I have several join tables set up because I need the many to many relationship.

So I have a Programme table that links through a join table to a Staff table for ex.

Prog< Prog_Staff > Staff

I am only just beginning to see about dynamic printing . I made a template in Word but  apart from fields which are directly in the Programme table , nothing renders.

I used something like this from the Programme table:


What am I doing wrong?

17 replies

    • Fred
    • 9 days ago
    • Reported - view

    I haven't tried it out, but maybe try:


    I would think it would be at the Staff level since that is where you really want it to iterate.

    If that doesn't work then I'll try to figure it out.

      • Sean_Wood
      • 8 days ago
      • Reported - view

      Thanks, Just tried and get the same empty result .馃槙

      Here is the report plus the template for comparison.


    • Fred
    • 8 days ago
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    Ok, so I've had a chance to try it out and I'm able to get this from a table called Production:

    the template looks like:

    ProductionItem is a table that links Production (N:1) and Materials (N:1). Meaning you can only select a single record from Production and Materials in each ProductionItem.

    So I was wrong to suggest that the [i] goes after the second reference field.

    If Pro_Personnel is also setup similarly then can you modify your template so that only the following is in the first column


    in the first column, remove data from all other columns. Replace somefieldname with a data field in Prog_Personnel. Do not use any reference fields.

    If that works then you can add the reference field back in.


    Let us know how it goes.

      • Sean_Wood
      • 4 days ago
      • Reported - view

      Thanks for taking the time.

      I follow your logic, now it even makes Ninox quit :-/
      Could it be because I have letters with accents in the field names? (doing this in french so have 茅 猫 脿 etc.

      • Fred
      • 4 days ago
      • Reported - view

       Having accented characters could be the cause. You should look into creating a JSON of the same data, that way you can create temporary field names that are not accented for the printing.

    • Mel_Charles
    • 4 days ago
    • Reported - view

    all this goes to prove that Ninox needs to have a proper built in report designer!

      • Fred
      • 4 days ago
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        According to Nioxius, Carbone is the print engine. Ninox is not going to build anything else. 

      • Sean_Wood
      • 4 days ago
      • Reported - view

      Yes I think that migth be the safest route. I will let you know...

      • Mel_Charles
      • 4 days ago
      • Reported - view

       Yeah I know but they seem to more people off by the sheer lack of information surrounding this Format. Even their base support don't know much about how to construct a form with sub tables and to fix things like images that fixed as thumbnails!  You just have to jump through too many hoops with it. So the new customer experience is dented from the start ! 

      • Fred
      • 4 days ago
      • Reported - view

      don't disagree there. Their support is woefully inadequate. If Andy from Nioxius is correct, Ninox's support is shamefully understaffed for a company with enterprise aspirations. If they want to be an international company, how can support end at 6pm Central European time? They offer 99.9% uptime. Which means no more than 4 minutes of downtime a week. How can you offer 99.9% if you are closed for 8 hours everyday and all weekend?

      • Ninox partner
      • RoSoft_Steven.1
      • 4 days ago
      • Reported - view

        In the Partner conference, Carbone also said that they will release an update that will allow the Carbone studio to be embedded in another program (read Ninox). Now for the developpers at Ninox to integrate this in a future update. 

      • Fred
      • 3 days ago
      • Reported - view

      If they can imbed Carbone Studio into Ninox then it will make the whole process easier.

      For those who haven't tried it, here is what studio looks like. It is free so give it a try. On your left is your JSON dataset and on your right is the live presentation of your data in your template. No more "printing" to see if the changes you made look good.

      If you use Chrome, or a chrome derivative, then you can do live-reload so when you make changes to your template Studio will automagically update as well.

      Live reload is not supported in Safari or Firefox, but otherwise the very visual results without having to "print" is very nice. The only issue is having to create a json of your data in Ninox so you can copy it into studio. If they embed it then I hope we can just give it a formula and it will the create it on the fly.

    • Sean_Wood
    • 4 days ago
    • Reported - view


      • Mel_Charles
      • 2 days ago
      • Reported - view

       /  Thats interesting news re studio - I will keep an eye out for this as it unfolds. However. I still thing we have gotten away from the simply of some of the report designers that was either stand alone or bundled with software during the 80-90's. With a bit of imagination, Ninox could develop the already in house report functionality.

    • Fred
    • 2 days ago
    • Reported - view

    , if you were able to get your question answered, please mark the post answered when you have a moment.

      • Sean_Wood
      • 15 hrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Well it has sparked ideas and questions, not sure it has been truly addressed, but the conversation can certainly help others.

      • Fred
      • 11 hrs ago
      • Reported - view

       i鈥檓 sorry. i thought you were going to use a json so you can use dynamic printing. 

      what is still not working for you?

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