Add space between emails in string
Dear all,
I'm currently trying to create a mail (using mailto: ... ) to multiple email addresses within one mail. Currently all relevant mail addresses are in a string. The challenge is, that the string has no spaces between the mail addresses and therefore is not interpreted as separate recipients in the local mail application.
# I'm starting with a loop through a set of business partners
for partnerLoop in unique(this.CampaignEventContacts.Contacts.Partner) do
# create a variable which is used in the openURL function to insert the recipinets
let partnerMail := partnerLoop.Contacts.Email;
The to-line in the mail application looks like this:
Ask: I'm looking for a method to insert a space between the single mail addresses.
Thanks for you support in advance
2 replies
Rather than use a loop, could try using the Concat() function, which by default adds ", " between items, as email addresses need to be comma separated
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- Status Answered
- 1 yr agoLast active
- 2Replies
- 29Views