Only bulk edits?

My iPhone app is now only allowing me "bulk edits". Can't edit individual fields. What have I done wrong? (relative newbie)

3 replies

    • Fred
    • yesterday
    • Reported - view

    I can see individual records in my iPhone app (v3.14.3) and can edit individual fields in a record.

    Can you post a screenshot?

    Have you contacted Ninox directly?

      • Cliff_Veal
      • yesterday
      • Reported - view

      Thanks for replying. Whereas I used to be able to tap the gear and be able to edit/add/subtract fields, now when I tap it I only get the Bulk Edit and cannot edit the fields. I will check with Ninox. Thanks again.

      • Fred
      • yesterday
      • Reported - view

      When I tap the gear icon I see all available options.