How to stop Ninox rewriting URLs in email message body
Does anyone know if there is a way to stop Ninox rewriting URLs in the body of an email message sent through the sendEmail function? Whenever a URL that starts with http: or https: is sent through Ninox, Ninox rewrites it as a URL. (Unfortunately, for my usage I can't remove the http/https)
I'm using the email function as a gateway into a SMS message service and the rewritten links are increasing the size of the messages vastly - so I'm keen to fix this.
Many Thanks in advance for any suggestions offered.
2 replies
It's not possible as this is a feature of sendgrid, the transactional email provider that Ninox use.
It is possible to make these links "invisible" by sending the message as HTML, eg using "<a href=""" + yourURL + """>" + yourURL + "</a>" rather than plain text, but this likely won't help the email parser for the SMS sending service.
The most reliable approach would be to call the SMS gateways endpoint directly, rather than sending via email. Feel free to reach out to me at and I can guide you through it.
Thanks, Dan. That's useful to know. I'll look into accessing the endpoint directly, as you suggest.
Many Thanks
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- 3 yrs agoLast active
- 2Replies
- 251Views