Opening times

Anybody experiencing very slow loading/opening time for Ninox Mac/iPad versions ?

I've been using Ninox for a long time - but all of a sudden my appr. 150 mb database takes 45 sec. on Imac and 6,5 minutes on iPad Air - I've had this problem for quite a while now - it began the same day as one of the latest updates were released (and I do not have problems with anything else loading-wise)

Have tried to copy the database to a local version - and then it opens in a split-second.

I've even tried to test on a copy, what will happen if I reduce the file size - and I gain appr. 5 seconds for each 20 mb I cut off.

Any ideas ? (PLEASE 🙏)


1 reply

    • Mel_Charles
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi John

    I think I would be inclined to email support!

    Could be a dodgly update etc - but hard to tells what version you have etc 
