Edit Table Data in Table View

The option to edit data in the Table view seems to have go away with a recent release....or mayby I'm just not seeing it. I've created several views of my table one of which is a Table view. Previously I could edit the data directly in the Table view without the record opening to Form view. Now, the record just opens to Form view when I try to edit the data. What am I missing?

2 replies

    • Ninox partner
    • RoSoft_Steven.1
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    From the blog:

    Integrated spreadsheets / form mode:
    We’ve made it easier to switch between spreadsheet and form mode. Just double-click on a cell to enter spreadsheet mode – the form will be instantly minimized to a small handle on the right side. Click on the handle to go back to form mode.

    This is ofcourse if you're using a desktop with a mouse. On Ipad, I have no idea either.


    • LeahH
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Ah! That did it on the desktop. Thank you so much for the help...was about to lose it!

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  • 4 yrs agoLast active
  • 2Replies
  • 633Views