New formula field formatting
Has anyone noticed any unwanted formatting changes of formula fields since the latest update. I have a database that I haven't worked with in a while so I can't remember if both the table view and form view of the formula field displayed the color I set it to. Now, only the table view formula field displays in color. Antonello Stabile 71 mentioned losing color in his post also.
Also, does anyone know how the "Label position"-"Placeholder" is supposed to work. It looks like it behaves the same as "Hidden" does.
11 replies
I just checked my iPad version, which I have not updated, and both table view and form view display the color correctly.
If you use styled() in the "Formula" the color will display in the table, but not the form.
If you use the new "Style" option the color will display in the form, but not the table.
Yep, Sean you are right! (Remember your joke about Esc key? So, don't use styles... lol)
Maybe someone from the Ninox Team explain what happend.
For Label position - "Placeholder" to work must the field be empty - only then displays the label inside the field.
Nick, don't you throw my words back at me young man!
Thanks for explaining "Placeholder". When I read the update notes before downloading, I guess I combined the two new features in my head and thought it was only available for Function fields. For that field type the placeholder does not work.
"Placeholder" does not work for Image fields also! Has only the options "Top" and "Hidden".
It could have enough use there.
I agree. It would be perfect for that field type.
Version 2.5.4 fixed the problem with styled() function not displaying in the form, but using the "Style" option for the formula field still only works for Form View.
That's initentional. We plan to add conditional formatting for table views later this year.
@Sean.. during Tuesday's webinar .. Bierger did point out that using style within a function broke when they added a style attribute to the field... If scanning the thread.. I think that is your issue.
@Mconneen, styled() was broken, but has been fixed with version 2.5.4.
What I was referring to was setting the background color using the new “Style” feature.
I hope the Ninox team makes the properties available in the code editor. That way properties set there could be reflected in the “Style” dialog.
Ahh.. got it. thanks for the clarification.
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- 5 yrs agoLast active
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