Loop not clear
Hi there,
Although loops are explained in your manual, it is not yet clear how you would, for example, in a table called "contacts" with only "firstname" and "lastname" but where some firstnames are missing (empty), fill in the missing information with "Norbert" ?
Thanks for your help
3 replies
Yeah the manual is not very good.
You can try something like:
let loop1 in select contacts[firstnames = null] do loop1.firstnames := "Norbert" end
or if you have your select in a variable already you can do:
let x := select contacts let loop1 in x[firstnames = null] do loop1.firstnames := "Norbert" end
Thank you Fred for your answer but I cannot make it work ...
It seems that "let loop1 in" ... where "in" is not digestible ... is the issue.
There is no hurry but I would love to make it work !
oops, it should be:
for loop1 in select contacts[firstnames = null] do loop1.firstnames := "Norbert" end
typing too quick for my brain to follow.
it is a for loop so I need to put a for in the beginning. :)
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- 2 yrs agoLast active
- 3Replies
- 87Views