Loop Syntax Correction

Hello. I am having a bit of trouble with this for-loop, a syntax error and would love an extra pair of eyes on this,


I basically have a 'Hire Date' field, and I would like to generate a concatenated list of the number of full years since the 'Hire Date' and today. For example: 

hire date:=12/22/2012;
response:= [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]

Please note the zero, and also note the 10 is missing since the anniversary date has not passed the 10 year mark. 


I know I am close, but I am getting a syntax error if someone could please assist.

let currentDate := now();
let hireDate := this.'Hire Date';

let years := (currentDate - hireDate) / 365;

let yearsString := "";

for i in (let i := 0; i < years; i++) do
  let year := hireDate + (i * 365);
  yearsString := yearsString + year + ", ";


3 replies

    • Cloud DevOps Fullstack Engineer
    • Martin_Mueller
    • 2 yrs agoFri, December 23, 2022 at 9:54 AM UTC
    • Reported - view

    Are you using the for notion correctly? It looks wrong to me. Please check. 

    You might want to use the for from notation instead of the for i in 


    for ... from ... to ... do ... end

    • SMoore
    • 2 yrs agoFri, December 23, 2022 at 4:07 PM UTC
    • Reported - view

       Martin Mueller , I was making it way more complicated than it had to be.

    Here is my outcome: 

    let hireDate := floor('Hire Date');
    range(0, hireDate + 1)


    While I am sure a loop could've achieved this too, this was probably the best solution, lol.

      • Cloud DevOps Fullstack Engineer
      • Martin_Mueller
      • 2 yrs agoFri, December 23, 2022 at 4:15 PM UTC
      • Reported - view

      S Moore Cool. Glad you solved it :)