SUBTABLE SHOW AS "FIELD" can't scroll down when it reach it's limit.

Hi, I am doing the Subtable but when I click Show as "field" It can't scroll down when it reach it's max. It is that a bug or have anyone have anyidea how to fix it? Like a formular field, that I can scroll down if I have any more text or number i can scroll down to see. But with Subtable, I can't do that.

2 replies

    • Fred
    • 2 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Yeah, there are no scrollbars in a reference table when shown as a field and the data overflows the space provided. Never thought to display my tables as a field so I never tried. You can submit a request to Ninox that they add scrollbars in the next release.

      • Nguyen_Nhat_Dong.1
      • 2 mths ago
      • Reported - view

       thanks you!!!