Mac App 3.11.8 - refresh/reload record list > only manual


I encounter a strange behavior on Ninox When I duplicate a record (using the Ninox interface - using  not with a script)  :

- On a list view with all records listed
- I select a record
- in the record view which appears on the right I click on duplicate icon at the upper right
- When I go back to the record list I need to refresh (Command/R) to make the duplicated record appeared

With previous version no need to refresh/reload manually to have the duplicated record viewable ! 

Is it a known bug ? Or should I do s.t ?


2 replies

    • Fred
    • 10 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    yeah, i've noticed weird refresh issues with the MacOS app as well. You should submit a ticket so they know, but I wouldn't hold my breath about it getting fixed, or just knowing it is fixed.

      • ghjuva
      • 10 mths ago
      • Reported - view


      I tried to submit a ticket but as far as I see form to do so is only for cloud and on prems. I will check further !

      Yes ! lack of communication (not only about bug fixed) seems to be the rules with Ninox

      The product is really interesting in many way but with a "not reliable" feeling verry disturbing