I need help. I've imported my data successfully and want to add a combo box. When I go to Edit fields, all the fields are there. My cursor turns into a four-pointed arrow, and when I click on the combo box field I've added, there is no "add value" button. How can I find it? Thanks so much.

I need help. I've imported my data successfully and want to add a combo box. When I go to Edit fields, all the fields are there. My cursor turns into a four-pointed arrow, and when I click on the combo box field I've added, it goes the screen where I can set all the parameters, and "combobox" is shown -- but there is no "add value" button in the lower right, as the video demonstrates. How can I find it? Thanks so much.

3 replies

    • mizzimbra
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I'm on a Mac deesktop using the latest OS.

    • mizzimbra
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Screen Shot 2021-10-08 at 3.06.22 PM

    • Mel_Charles
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    The four point arrow is to allow you to drag the item up or down the field list.

    As long as you have the spanner mode selected( red spanner = admin mode) you should be able to click the new combo choice field and it will open to allow you to add selection info.

    if you want a standard combo box field then you want to add a choice field not muliple choice.

    Also some videos are now oiut of date! so use them as a guide only as the software slowly marches on with releases