I need help. I've imported my data successfully and want to add a combo box. When I go to Edit fields, all the fields are there. My cursor turns into a four-pointed arrow, and when I click on the combo box field I've added, there is no "add value" button. How can I find it? Thanks so much.
I need help. I've imported my data successfully and want to add a combo box. When I go to Edit fields, all the fields are there. My cursor turns into a four-pointed arrow, and when I click on the combo box field I've added, it goes the screen where I can set all the parameters, and "combobox" is shown -- but there is no "add value" button in the lower right, as the video demonstrates. How can I find it? Thanks so much.
3 replies
I'm on a Mac deesktop using the latest OS.
The four point arrow is to allow you to drag the item up or down the field list.
As long as you have the spanner mode selected( red spanner = admin mode) you should be able to click the new combo choice field and it will open to allow you to add selection info.
if you want a standard combo box field then you want to add a choice field not muliple choice.
Also some videos are now oiut of date! so use them as a guide only as the software slowly marches on with releases
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- 3 yrs agoLast active
- 3Replies
- 170Views