How to create 2 different vat taxes in the invoice


How can i create 2 types of vat taxes in invoice template.
The taxes must be not calculate in one but seperate from eachother.

I must be have a subtotal excl. 21% vat and 1 subtotal 6% vat.

For example:
1. BTW Laag (6% procent)
2. BTW Hoog (21% procent)

Thanks in advance!

1 reply

    • Alexander_Koenig
    • 6 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Raoul,

    you need to calculate the VAT for each invoice item separately. Add a chioce field for VAT to the articles table. Choose the VAT value for all your products.

    Now you can use this information to calculate the VAT for each tier on your invoice with two formula fields.

    sum('Invoice Items'[Article.VAT = 1].Total) * 0.06

    sum('Invoice Items'[Article.VAT = 2].Total) * 0.21

    Bildschirmfoto 2018-04-02 um 15.29.49