How can I generate bar codes from my ninox database ?
My company is using Ninox. We have a database which contains all our references. I'd like to know how can I generate a bar code for each reference and how can I scan it ? The best could be to generate one bar code for each line and that we could scan it to find it in ninox.
19 replies
I think is not possible directly with ninox. It was a good idea to implement this in the future... I need it also.
A barcode is just a set of characters. I have Ninox create a unique barcode string for each of my products. Then I use the http() function to send the product label to a printer to create the label with a barcode.
ninox can use a iPhone/iPad camera to scan barcodes. A string is returned after the barcode is scanned.
There is a REST API to create barcodes at the link below . You could use the http() function to create the barcode image and import it into Ninox.
Ummh !! Very good ! Thanks :-)
I forgot that the http() function wants a json response, so you can’t directly import the file.
From the manual
Return Value
A json object containing either an error or a result property.
I ended up doing a workaround to import fillable pdf forms.
I am overcomplicating this.
You can use importFile() to create the barcode. No need to use the http().
importFile(Id, ""+ barcode +".png", "barcode.png")
To import the barcode as an image in the record instead of an attachement, you can do this:
Image := importFile(Id, ""+ barcode +".png", "barcode.png")
Thank you Blackie, I have using tomorow your tip about barcode.
Monk (184)Friday, November 16, 2018 9:23 AM:-
"I have Ninox create a unique barcode string for each of my products".
How did you do this? Could the details be provided please?
Oops! I have sussed it.
This is excellent. Many thanks.
This don`t work anymore, anyone knows a alternative?
Hello il you can find a program in the EN 2020 webinar folder,in the ninox app. this is the SVG BARCODE GS1 program. I would have taken a screenshot but it doesn't work. You have to be connected to internet to use it.
Hello Alain, thank you for the answer. do you know how can a found this folder?
the screenshot still does not work
of memory you must contact the service then in the Ninox application there will be the Webinar EN 2020 tab with examples of programs
It appears that has sunset. Does anyone know of any other HTTP calls that can do exactly this?
Image := importFile(Id, ""+ barcode +".png", "barcode.png")
anyone have a idea on this?
Hi MG ,
I have found another website service for barcode :
importFile(nouveauJob.ID, "" + nouveauJob.Code + "&code=BCL_CODE128&width=300&imageType=JPG&foreColor=%23000000&backColor=%23FFFFFF&rotation=RotateNoneFlipNone", "barcode1.jpg"));
Great! Thanks A million
Hi everyone,
my solved is here,
# This is a global function
function createQRCODE(number : number) do
let qrcodeImage := importFile(Id, "" + number + ".png", "barcode.png");
end;# you can call it from everywhere
Image := createQRCODE(123456789)
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- 3 yrs agoLast active
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