sending php link in email


there is a way sending this php link in email without encoding or overwriting,
actually only the domain clickable the rest of the link not, after the domain become a normal text

1 reply

    • Jorg
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view


    There are two ways to do so, if you are using the sendEMail() function in a Ninox Cloud database.

    1. You can use a URL field typ insert your php link and then refer to your field in the html part of your sendEmail() function.


    2. You can insert a text part with your php link direktly in the html part of your sendEmail() function.


    from: myEmail,
    to: text(Client.Email),
    subject: "my php link",
    text: "my php link follows",
    html: "<a href=""http://www.tagesschau.de/"">ARD Tagesschau</a>" + "or: " + URL_Field,
    attachments: file(this, myFileName)


    Best, Jörg

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