appointment start and end without the hour

currently if we insert the appointment field in the print form we get something like this

12 Nov 2018, 08:00 - 13 Nov 2018, 16:00

by using 

Date: {start('Appointmentfield')} - {endof('Appointmentfield')}

Hours: {start('Appointmentfield')} - {endof('Appointmentfield')}


I want to have it like this, the date and hours are separated into

Date: 12 Nov 2018 - 13 Nov 2018

Hours : 08:00 - 16:00

Do you have a solution for this?

Thank you

1 reply

    • dwiandi_gmailcom
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    already sorted this out as

    Date : {format(start('Appointmentfield'), "dddd, DD MMM YYYY")} - {format(endof('Appointmentfield'), "dddd, DD MMM YYYY")}
    Hours : {format(start('Appointmentfield'), "HH:mm")} - {format(endof('Appointmentfield'), "HH:mm")}

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