Copy and Paste Button
Hey, everybody, I need some help.
I have a reference table with several records.
I have another table called "table".
I want to press the button and copy all the records from the "reference" table into the "subtable" table.
How can I do it?
Does someone help me?
Thank you!
1 reply
Bierger provided a webinar some time ago with something similar.. Basically .. Your button logic should do a for loop over a select of Reference and create 'Sub Table' rows and assign them the values from Reference as well as link it to Table (or this). The button logic would be something like (disclaimer.. I did not type this into a script.. your milage may vary)
let t:=this;
for r in select Reference do
let st := create 'Sub Table';
st.Texto := r.Texto;
st.Price := r.Price;
st.Table := t;
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- 5 yrs agoLast active
- 1Replies
- 1422Views