When I create a multi day appointment it duplicates in my iCal

Hello, thank you in advance for any help or support. When I create a multi day appointment

Bildschirmfoto 2019-11-14 um 11.15.19

It gets duplicated in my iCal calendar. If the appointment is only 1 day long ie.

Bildschirmfoto 2019-11-14 um 11.19.38 

this does not happen. It appears correctly

In the Calendar of Ninox everything appears correctly in both circumstances.

Does anybody know why this or how i can solve it. Thank you

1 reply

    • Jorg
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view


    could you please send an e-mail to the support@ninoxdb.de that we can have look on it together? 

    Thanks, Jörg