Character Occurrences Count
I'm wondering if there's a way to count how many times a given character is in a string.
i.e.: I have the field 'mytext' which contains a string (let's say "rockandrollwillneverdie") and I want to find out how many times the letter "e" appears in the string (so the result should be "3".
36 replies
Hi Gianluca,
with length() you get the length of a string and use it for iteration. With substring() you can get a character from a string. Then you compare and Bob's your uncle:
let mystring := "rockandrollwillneverdie"; let found := 0 for i from 0 to length(mystring) do if substring(mystring, i, i+1) = "e" then found := found + 1; end; end; alert(found)
thank you Lars,
it works perfectly, but this way i get the result in an alert pop-up. Can I get te same result as a number and use it in further calculations?
Lars Thank you so much! This was the missing piece of a longer script that i needed to bring into ninox from a filemaker custom function i used! Now I think i'll be able to finish it!
And I forgot: if you need this more than once in your script, you can define it as a function:
function countLetters(myString : text, myLetter : text) do let found := 0 for i from 0 to length(myString) do if substring(myString, i, i+1) = myLetter then found := found + 1; end; end; found; end; let e := countLetters("rockandrollneverdies", "e"); let d := countLetters("rockandrollneverdies", "d")
The last two lines are just examples on how to use it. You need to define the function at the very beginning of your script.
Another way to solve such a problem would be to harness the power of regular expressions, replacing the loop by:
length(replacex(myString, "[^" + myLetter + "]", "g", ""))
Ok. Thanks to your suggestions i've finalized the script (which is about 211 lines long.
I embedded Alain Fontaine script in the function Lars have created and all works perfectly. Now I just wonder if there are ways to "clean" it and make it shorter or more tidy.
For the brave ones who dare to read it i post it here.
function countLetters(myString : text,myLetter : text) do length(replacex(myString, "[^" + myLetter + "]", "g", "")) end; let xPCog := replace(Cognome, " ", ""); let xConCog := replacex(upper(xPCog), "A|E|I|O|U", "g", ""); let xVocCog := replacex(upper(xPCog), "B|C|D|F|G|H|J|K|L|M|N|P|Q|R|S|T|V|W|X|Y|Z", "g", ""); let xCog := xConCog + xVocCog; let xLunCog := length(xCog); let xPNom := replace(Nome, " ", ""); let xConNom := replacex(upper(xPNom), "A|E|I|O|U", "g", ""); let xVocNom := replacex(upper(xPNom), "B|C|D|F|G|H|J|K|L|M|N|P|Q|R|S|T|V|W|X|Y|Z", "g", ""); let xNom := xConNom + xVocNom; let xLunNom := length(xNom); let cfparz := switch xLunCog do case 1: text(xConCog) + "XX" case 2: text(xConCog) + "X" case 3: text(xConCog) default: substring(text(xCog), 0, 3) end + switch xLunNom do case 1: text(xConNom) + "XX" case 2: text(xConNom) + "X" case 3: text(xNom) default: if length(text(xConNom)) > 3 then substring(text(xNom), 0, 1) + substring(text(xNom), 2, 4) else substring(text(xNom), 0, 3) end end + substring(text(year(DataNascita)), 2, 4) + switch text(month(DataNascita)) do case "1": "A" case "2": "B" case "3": "C" case "4": "D" case "5": "E" case "6": "H" case "7": "L" case "8": "M" case "9": "P" case "10": "R" case "11": "S" case "12": "T" default: "" end + switch Sesso do case 1: if length(text(day(DataNascita))) = 1 then "0" + text(day(DataNascita)) else text(day(DataNascita)) end case 2: text(day(DataNascita) + 40) default: "" end + ( let xComune := text(ComuneNascita); (select Comuni where Comune = xComune).CodiceComune ); let xCarDis := substr(cfparz, 0, 1) + substr(cfparz, 2, 1) + substr(cfparz, 4, 1) + substr(cfparz, 6, 1) + substr(cfparz, 8, 1) + substr(cfparz, 10, 1) + substr(cfparz, 12, 1) + substr(cfparz, 14, 1); let xCarPar := substr(cfparz, 1, 1) + substr(cfparz, 3, 1) + substr(cfparz, 5, 1) + substr(cfparz, 7, 1) + substr(cfparz, 9, 1) + substr(cfparz, 11, 1) + substr(cfparz, 13, 1); let a := countLetters(xCarPar, "A"); let b := countLetters(xCarPar, "B"); let c := countLetters(xCarPar, "C"); let d := countLetters(xCarPar, "D"); let e := countLetters(xCarPar, "E"); let f := countLetters(xCarPar, "F"); let g := countLetters(xCarPar, "G"); let h := countLetters(xCarPar, "H"); let i := countLetters(xCarPar, "I"); let j := countLetters(xCarPar, "J"); let k := countLetters(xCarPar, "K"); let l := countLetters(xCarPar, "L"); let m := countLetters(xCarPar, "M"); let n := countLetters(xCarPar, "N"); let o := countLetters(xCarPar, "O"); let p := countLetters(xCarPar, "P"); let q := countLetters(xCarPar, "Q"); let r := countLetters(xCarPar, "R"); let s := countLetters(xCarPar, "S"); let t := countLetters(xCarPar, "T"); let u := countLetters(xCarPar, "U"); let v := countLetters(xCarPar, "V"); let w := countLetters(xCarPar, "W"); let x := countLetters(xCarPar, "X"); let y := countLetters(xCarPar, "Y"); let z := countLetters(xCarPar, "Z"); let x0 := countLetters(xCarPar, "0"); let x1 := countLetters(xCarPar, "1"); let x2 := countLetters(xCarPar, "2"); let x3 := countLetters(xCarPar, "3"); let x4 := countLetters(xCarPar, "4"); let x5 := countLetters(xCarPar, "5"); let x6 := countLetters(xCarPar, "6"); let x7 := countLetters(xCarPar, "7"); let x8 := countLetters(xCarPar, "8"); let x9 := countLetters(xCarPar, "9"); let sumP := a * 0 + b * 1 + c * 2 + d * 3 + e * 4 + f * 5 + g * 6 + h * 7 + i * 8 + j * 9 + k * 10 + l * 11 + m * 12 + n * 13 + o * 14 + p * 15 + q * 16 + r * 17 + s * 18 + t * 19 + u * 20 + v * 21 + w * 22 + x * 23 + y * 24 + z * 25 + x0 * 0 + x1 * 1 + x2 * 2 + x3 * 3 + x4 * 4 + x5 * 5 + x6 * 6 + x7 * 7 + x8 * 8 + x9 * 9; let aa := countLetters(xCarDis, "A"); let bb := countLetters(xCarDis, "B"); let cc := countLetters(xCarDis, "C"); let dd := countLetters(xCarDis, "D"); let ee := countLetters(xCarDis, "E"); let ff := countLetters(xCarDis, "F"); let gg := countLetters(xCarDis, "G"); let hh := countLetters(xCarDis, "H"); let ii := countLetters(xCarDis, "I"); let jj := countLetters(xCarDis, "J"); let kk := countLetters(xCarDis, "K"); let ll := countLetters(xCarDis, "L"); let mm := countLetters(xCarDis, "M"); let nn := countLetters(xCarDis, "N"); let oo := countLetters(xCarDis, "O"); let pp := countLetters(xCarDis, "P"); let qq := countLetters(xCarDis, "Q"); let rr := countLetters(xCarDis, "R"); let ss := countLetters(xCarDis, "S"); let tt := countLetters(xCarDis, "T"); let uu := countLetters(xCarDis, "U"); let vv := countLetters(xCarDis, "V"); let ww := countLetters(xCarDis, "W"); let xx := countLetters(xCarDis, "X"); let yy := countLetters(xCarDis, "Y"); let zz := countLetters(xCarDis, "Z"); let xx0 := countLetters(xCarDis, "0"); let xx1 := countLetters(xCarDis, "1"); let xx2 := countLetters(xCarDis, "2"); let xx3 := countLetters(xCarDis, "3"); let xx4 := countLetters(xCarDis, "4"); let xx5 := countLetters(xCarDis, "5"); let xx6 := countLetters(xCarDis, "6"); let xx7 := countLetters(xCarDis, "7"); let xx8 := countLetters(xCarDis, "8"); let xx9 := countLetters(xCarDis, "9"); let sumD := aa * 1 + bb * 0 + cc * 5 + dd * 7 + ee * 9 + ff * 13 + gg * 15 + hh * 17 + ii * 19 + jj * 21 + kk * 2 + ll * 4 + mm * 18 + nn * 20 + oo * 11 + pp * 3 + qq * 6 + rr * 8 + ss * 12 + tt * 14 + uu * 16 + vv * 10 + ww * 22 + xx * 25 + yy * 24 + zz * 23 + xx0 * 1 + xx1 * 0 + xx2 * 5 + xx3 * 7 + xx4 * 9 + xx5 * 13 + xx6 * 15 + xx7 * 17 + xx8 * 19 + xx9 * 21; let resto := ((sumP + sumD) / 26 - floor((sumP + sumD) / 26)) * 26; let finalC := switch text(round(resto)) do case 0: "A" case 1: "B" case 2: "C" case 3: "D" case 4: "E" case 5: "F" case 6: "G" case 7: "H" case 8: "I" case 9: "J" case 10: "K" case 11: "L" case 12: "M" case 13: "N" case 14: "O" case 15: "P" case 16: "Q" case 17: "R" case 18: "S" case 19: "T" case 20: "U" case 21: "V" case 22: "W" case 23: "X" case 24: "Y" case 25: "Z" default: "" end; cfparz + finalC
I did not try to understand it all, but I can see, for example, that the computation of "finalC" can be reduced to:
let finalC := item("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", round(resto));
The same certainly applies to the definition of a letter to represent the month of "DataNascita".
Still digging into your script… This:
if length(text(day(DataNascita))) = 1 then "0" + text(day(DataNascita)) else text(day(DataNascita)) end
seems to give the same result as:
format(day(DataNascita), "00")
I tried to understand the first part of the script, but it would be easier to know the intent. Is it supposed to always produce a six letter code?
With what I just learned, you can use
item("ABCDEHLMPRST", number(month(DataNascita))-1)
to replace
switch text(month(DataNascita)) do case "1": "A" case "2": "B" case "3": "C" case "4": "D" case "5": "E" case "6": "H" case "7": "L" case "8": "M" case "9": "P" case "10": "R" case "11": "S" case "12": "T" default: "" end
Next proposal - replace
let cfparz := switch xLunCog do case 1: text(xConCog) + "XX" case 2: text(xConCog) + "X" case 3: text(xConCog) default: substring(text(xCog), 0, 3) end
rpad(text(xConCog), 3, "X")
which just fills up xConCog with "X"es up to a total length of 3.
I didn't fully understand the principle or the intent, maybe you can directly use
rpad(substring(text(xCog), 0, 3), 3, "X")
which might (didn't check) make xLunCog obsolete.
Same for xConNom, of course
One more: the whole
let a := countLetters(xCarPar, "A"); let b := countLetters(xCarPar, "B"); let c := countLetters(xCarPar, "C"); let d := countLetters(xCarPar, "D"); let e := countLetters(xCarPar, "E"); let f := countLetters(xCarPar, "F"); let g := countLetters(xCarPar, "G"); let h := countLetters(xCarPar, "H"); let i := countLetters(xCarPar, "I"); let j := countLetters(xCarPar, "J"); let k := countLetters(xCarPar, "K"); let l := countLetters(xCarPar, "L"); let m := countLetters(xCarPar, "M"); let n := countLetters(xCarPar, "N"); let o := countLetters(xCarPar, "O"); let p := countLetters(xCarPar, "P"); let q := countLetters(xCarPar, "Q"); let r := countLetters(xCarPar, "R"); let s := countLetters(xCarPar, "S"); let t := countLetters(xCarPar, "T"); let u := countLetters(xCarPar, "U"); let v := countLetters(xCarPar, "V"); let w := countLetters(xCarPar, "W"); let x := countLetters(xCarPar, "X"); let y := countLetters(xCarPar, "Y"); let z := countLetters(xCarPar, "Z"); let sumP := a * 0 + b * 1 + c * 2 + d * 3 + e * 4 + f * 5 + g * 6 + h * 7 + i * 8 + j * 9 + k * 10 + l * 11 + m * 12 + n * 13 + o * 14 + p * 15 + q * 16 + r * 17 + s * 18 + t * 19 + u * 20 + v * 21 + w * 22 + x * 23 + y * 24 + z * 25
can be replaced by
let sumP := 0; for i in "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" do sumP := sumP + countLetters(xCarPar, i) * index("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", i) end;
and then you do something similar for the numbers
And a proposal for the complete computation of the checksum (boy, I had some spare time today, and it rains):
let xCarDis := substr(cfparz, 0, 1) + substr(cfparz, 2, 1) + substr(cfparz, 4, 1) + substr(cfparz, 6, 1) + substr(cfparz, 8, 1) + substr(cfparz, 10, 1) + substr(cfparz, 12, 1) + substr(cfparz, 14, 1); let xCarPar := substr(cfparz, 1, 1) + substr(cfparz, 3, 1) + substr(cfparz, 5, 1) + substr(cfparz, 7, 1) + substr(cfparz, 9, 1) + substr(cfparz, 11, 1) + substr(cfparz, 13, 1); let xCarList := "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"; let xParFact := [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]; let xDisFact := [1, 0, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 2, 4, 18, 20, 11, 3, 6, 8, 12, 14, 16, 10, 22, 25, 24, 23, 1, 0, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21]; let sumPD := sum(for i in range(0, length(xCarList)) do countLetters(xCarPar, item(xCarList, i)) * item(xParFact, i) + countLetters(xCarDis, item(xCarList, i)) * item(xDisFact, i) end); let resto := (sumPD / 26 - floor(sumPD / 26)) * 26; let finalC := item("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", round(resto));
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