Child record table with dynamically header
Is it possible to change the header of a child record table dynamically? I kind of came up with an ugly but working workaround :D. But would be nice to have a better solution.
11 replies
This looks like an example of a CSS/JS hack, something Jacques TUR might be able to help with?
Yeah good point. I used such a hack for hiding the calendar thi
Hello to both of you,
Here is a function to change the column title of the display field. Just call the function with the name of the display field, the column number (starts at 0) and the new title of this column.
I use NativeJS to do this:function modifyColTitle(fieldViewName : text,numCol : number,newColTitle : text) do #{:text debugger; // find the tab bar of top level form. var components = (widgets.popupEditorStack.length > 0 ? widgets.popupEditorStack[widgets.popupEditorStack.length - 1] : ui.sideEditor && ui.sideEditor).editor.currentTab.components; var table = components && components.find( c => c.field.caption == fieldViewName ); if (table) { table.$headCells[numCol].innerText = newColTitle } }# end; modifyColTitle("View", 1, "photo")
Could this help you?
Getting close. With help of the debugger, I can see that probably $headCells is wrong as it is undefined. I am lacking a bit of those JQuery skills. I am not sure how to get to those head cells. I assume the inner element of the el element :D.
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- 2 yrs agoLast active
- 11Replies
- 221Views