Create new record in another table and transfer all fields across


I have created a table that I am using as a "kiosk" type function where external parties can enter their form details. Once they click on a button called "Sign In" I want that data to transfer across to another table.

let newRecord := (create 'TRANSFER LOG');
newRecord.('SIGN IN OUT' := 1);
this.('TRANSFERRED FROM' = newRecord.'Transferred from:')

 The SIGN IN OUT part works

But I can't get the other fields to carry across.

Ideally onclick of a button I would like to:

  1. create a newRecord in the table 'TRANSFER LOG'
  2. then carry all the data inputted in the table called: 'SIGN IN' to the table: 'TRANSFER LOG'
  3. I have set up all the fields so they correspond


Any help would be very much appreciated.

2 replies

    • John_Halls
    • 3 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi  You are nearly there. I'd save the 'SIGN IN' table to a variable first and then use that in the subsequent transfers

    let signIn := this;
    let newRecord := (create 'TRANSFER LOG');
    newRecord.('SIGN IN OUT' := 1);
    newRecord.('Transferred from:' := signIn.'TRANSFERRED FROM');
    newRecord.(nextField := signIn.nextField);
    And so on...

    Regards John

    • Suzie_Konszky
    • 3 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Works perfectly. Thank you!