Change order of records in Kanban

Hello, Ninoxians! I have a Kanban for leads with several statuses: new lead, attempted contact, contacted, hot lead, booked, etc.

Whenever a new record is added to one of these statuses, it goes to the bottom of the list, sometimes under hundreds of other records. Is there a way to sort records within a status in a Kanban, say by date added to the status?

Here's an example:

I would like to keep the current order of the Kanban with New Lead then Attempted Contact then Contacted, but I would like records 1 2 3 to be in the order 3 2 1 (from top to bottom). Is this possible?

4 replies

    • Mel_Charles
    • 6 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Sam

    yes you can - Go into edit mode and then the funnel. Then select which ever field in your list you want to be the control to sort by ie ascending/descending.

    see sample below - I didn't want to sort on a field so added into the display the record ID but you could have easily sorted by the the date etc. in your sample i can't see anything in your list to naturally sort maybe - Last Name ?

      • Mel_Charles
      • 6 mths ago
      • Reported - view

       I missed you wanted to sort by say creation date

      adding the id field will to do as the id will always be the highest ref.

      You could also use the Created on function (cd)

      I believe this is a hidden function and only on cloud versions

      so if applicable you could add a formula field to access this

      ie put this _cd into the formula or I think even 'Created on' gets you the same result

      then use that formula to sort on!


      • Mel_Charles
      • 6 mths ago
      • Reported - view

       Personally I have a "date record created" date field (drcDate) that I lock the date into we a new customer is created ( i have it defualt to today() at the time of writing - as I find that more useful to me- just in case my record ID got reindexed in some way. If you chose to adopt that approach then you could ref the _dc info to write backwards all your prev records.

      • Sam_Villano
      • 6 mths ago
      • Reported - view

       That works perfectly. Thank you!