Please check this email script
Can someone scan this to see if there is any reason why the email suddenly stopped going to me. I have added a comment at the end of a line to show what I changed.
let CR := "";
let myPdf := printAndSaveRecord(this, "TASKS");
let myName := "New Task.pdf";
importFile(this, myPdf, myName);
let emailHTML := null;
let emailSubject := "A new Task has been added for: " + concat('EMAIL NAME LIST') + " " + 'TASK TITLE'; (Added the concat bit)
let emailText := "Att: " + concat('EMAIL NAME LIST') + CR + CR + (Added the concat bit)
"Please refer to the attached task." +
CR +
CR +
CR +
"Kind Regards" +
CR +
CR +
userName() +
" " +
CR +
" ";
from: userEmail(),
to: userEmail(),
cc: "",
bcc: "",
subject: emailSubject,
html: "",
text: emailText,
attachments: file(this, myName)
'EMAIL SENT' := true;
alert("Email sent to: " + concat('EMAIL NAME LIST'))
I cannot imagine the concat ('EMAIL NAME LIST') is causing the problem. the concat is not required but handily adds a comma between names in the field)
Could it be because Ninox did not like me sending a few test emails and stopped me.
3 replies
Hi Have you checked your spam folder. On testing sending to myself mine are going into spam yet those sent to another email address of mine were received OK.
Your variable CR should look like this
let CR := " ";Regards John
Hi Sending the same email from another Ninox member worked. The email came into my inbox!
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- 6 mths agoLast active
- 3Replies
- 36Views