Please check this email script

Can someone scan this to see if there is any reason why the email suddenly stopped going to me.  I have added a comment at the end of a line to show what I changed.

let CR := "";
let myPdf := printAndSaveRecord(this, "TASKS");
let myName := "New Task.pdf";
importFile(this, myPdf, myName);
let emailHTML := null;
let emailSubject := "A new Task has been added for: " + concat('EMAIL NAME LIST') + " " + 'TASK TITLE'; (Added the concat bit)
let emailText := "Att: " + concat('EMAIL NAME LIST') + CR + CR + (Added the concat bit)
    "Please refer to the attached task." +
    CR +
    CR +
    CR +
    "Kind Regards" +
    CR +
    CR +
    userName() +
    " " +
    CR +
    " ";
    from: userEmail(),
    to: userEmail(),
    cc: "",
    bcc: "",
    subject: emailSubject,
    html: "",
    text: emailText,
    attachments: file(this, myName)
'EMAIL SENT' := true;
alert("Email sent to: " + concat('EMAIL NAME LIST'))


I cannot imagine the concat ('EMAIL NAME LIST') is causing the problem.  the concat is not required but handily adds a comma between names in the field)

Could it be because Ninox did not like me sending a few test emails and stopped me.

3 replies

    • John_Halls
    • 1 mth ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi  Have you checked your spam folder. On testing sending to myself mine are going into spam yet those sent to another email address of mine were received OK.

    • John_Halls
    • 1 mth ago
    • Reported - view

    Your variable CR should look like this

    let CR := " ";

    Regards John

    • John_Halls
    • 1 mth ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi  Sending the same email from another Ninox member worked. The email came into my inbox!

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