Forumla Conversion


I have a subtable which has some fields that does some calculations (see screenshot).

The profit field is worked out on Project Cost Quoted - Project Time Cost, and Project Time Cost is worked out on sum of a time field / 3600000 * 85 (our hourly rate)

 When I then try and add the profit field to the main view, its showing as a time and not the number field and I cannot seem to convert

 Any help would be greatly appreciated

2 replies

    • szormpas
    • 7 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi  , could you upload a sample database with some data?

      • david.6
      • 7 mths ago
      • Reported - view

       leave it with me, let me see if I can extract a small snippet. I might have to take a backup and just delete lots as there are alot of linking tables etc