Send Email no error, but don't work
let today := today();
for i in select INVOICE do
if i.'BALANCE DUE' > 0 and i.'DUE DATE' - 7 = today and i.Reminder = null then
let message := "Estimado cliente, su factura #" + i.'INVOICE No' + " con saldo pendiente de " +
text(i.'BALANCE DUE') +
" vence el " +
text(i.'DUE DATE') +
". Le agradecemos su pronto pago. Gracias.";
from: userEmail(user()),
subject: "Recordatorio de pago - Factura #" + i.'INVOICE No',
text: message
i.(Reminder := true)
Some idea.
I don't is thus work to: i.CUSTOMER2.'CUSTOMER EMAIL',
but if place my Email to:, doesn't send it either.
11 replies
The script I provide is intended to send a reminder email to customers whose invoices are close to due (5 days before the due date) and who still have an outstanding balance.
This has caught a few people out
You now need to include the html: element, even if you are not using html. Try adding
html: null,
to your code.
Do you mind if I offer a simpler version of your code
for i in select INVOICE where 'BALANCE DUE' > 0 and 'DUE DATE' - 7 = today() and Reminder = nulldo let message := "Estimado cliente, su factura #" + i.'INVOICE No' + " con saldo pendiente de " + text(i.'BALANCE DUE') + " vence el " + text(i.'DUE DATE') + ". Le agradecemos su pronto pago. Gracias."; sendEmail({ from: userEmail(user()), to: i.CUSTOMER2.'CUSTOMER EMAIL', subject: "Recordatorio de pago - Factura #" + i.'INVOICE No', text: message, html: null }); i.(Reminder := true) end end
using where in a select is more efficient as it doesn't select every record that then needs qualifying, only those that match in the first place.
Regards John
This lines works ok
sendEmail({ from: userEmail(user()), to: "", subject: "Recordatorio de pago - Factura #" + 'INVOICE No', text: "", html: "null" }); Reminder := true; alert("
Proceso finalizado.")
I noticed a slight error in the code I gave you, corrected to
for i in select INVOICE where 'BALANCE DUE' > 0 and 'DUE DATE' - 7 = today() and Reminder = null do let message := "Estimado cliente, su factura #" + i.'INVOICE No' + " con saldo pendiente de " + text(i.'BALANCE DUE') + " vence el " + text(i.'DUE DATE') + ". Le agradecemos su pronto pago. Gracias."; sendEmail({ from: userEmail(user()), to: i.CUSTOMER2.'CUSTOMER EMAIL', subject: "Recordatorio de pago - Factura #" + i.'INVOICE No', text: message, html: null }); i.(Reminder := true) end
This won't be the cause of your failure though.
Put this in the console and see if it returns any records (which will show as a list of record Ids)
select INVOICE where 'BALANCE DUE' > 0 and 'DUE DATE' - 7 = today() and Reminder = null
If it doesn't I would look at which of the conditions is incorrect by trying them one at a time, and then two at a time. Hint: check out Reminder = null as if it's a Yes / No field it can have three values, true, false and null
Regards John
I tested the select statement in the console and it was as I thought, you need to change your select statement to
select INVOICE where 'BALANCE DUE' > 0 and 'DUE DATE' - 7 = today() and Reminder != true
Have a go at putting these two select statements in the console and see the difference in the results.
Regards John
I looked up the alert() function in the Ninox documentation and, as I thought, this is what it says
If you call this function more than once within the same script, only the last function call will be executed, so the user has only one box to confirm.
If I were going to do anything, I would write the results to a sub-table so that you have a record of when the emails were sent.
Also, you have gone back on my recommendations regarding today() and the select statement. All of this can be put together in one select... where statement
for i in select INVOICE do if i.'BALANCE DUE' > 0 and date(i.'DUE DATE') - 5 <= today and (i.Reminder = null or i.Reminder = false) then let destinatario := i.CUSTOMER2.'CUSTOMER EMAIL'; if destinatario != null then
Regards John
although hmtl : null is not needed is you are are calling a thisBody option
as I always use a template form and a body.
cutdown example
if Customers.'Google Reviews' = 1 then
let thisBody := first((select JobBag_Settings).GoogleReview);
let myEmail := userEmail();
let log1 := first(select System_Settings).HTMLxGoogle;
let log1 := replace(log1, "{UL1}", shareFile(first(select System_Settings).xGoogle));
thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Ord Company}", text('Ordered By'));
thisBody := replace(raw(thisBody), "{xGoogle}", log1);
GoogleSentFlag := 1;
from: myEmail,
to: CEmail,
subject: "How did we do? - Follow up regarding your recently delivered job",
text: "Job Delivered Review",
html: thisBody
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