Having a problem with dates
Currently having a problem with the date format on the cloud version.
I have tried this on multiple computers / on my phone and it works perfectly fine. But for some reason when my co-worker inputs a date on a date field, it reverts it to an american format. We want it as DD/MM/YY, But when he inputs it onto the Ninox calendar which pops up when you want to input a date, it reverts it to MM/DD/YY. Yet when he types the date it in, it stays as DD/MM/YY.
Just wondering if there is an easy fix for this, or is it a problem with Ninox?
7 replies
To clarify,
It works on a mac, an Iphone 11 an a windows PC, but for some reason on my coworkers macbook, its having this problem.
Has the co worker got his/her language setting set up correctly on the macbook?
Ninox will display date as specified in the Apple System Prefs. It will use the "Medium" format.
Will have to go through it on Monday, but I'm assuming his MacBook is set up properly.
And sorry Nick, what do you mean by the "medium" format. -
I found this old topic about this matter...
Thanks Nick! I'll look into it :)
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- 3 yrs agoLast active
- 7Replies
- 337Views