Count Saturdays an appointment ?

Plz how to calculate the number of Saturdays between two dates or an appointment ?

7 replies

    • John_Halls
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I have created this function which takes the start date, end date and weekday ( where 0 is Monday and 6 is Sunday)


    function countDays(dateFrom : date,dateTo : date,dow : number) do
    let countDays := days(dateFrom, dateTo) + 1;
    let fullDays := floor(countDays / 7);
    let partDays := countDays % 7;
    let addDays := (7 - weekday(dateFrom) + dow) % 7;
    let extraDay := number(addDays < partDays);
    fullDays + extraDay


    Regards John

    • admin.3
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hello, thank you for your answer ,
    I am not a code expert,
    I created two date fields (From, To) and a formula with the code indicated but it displays nothing
    view the photo

    • admin.3
    • 3 yrs ago
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    • John_Halls
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Either Copy and paste your function into the Options / Global script definitions section and then in your formua put


    5 tells it to count Saturdays.

    Or just put this part of the code in your formula

    let dow := 5;

    let countDays := days(DateFrom, DateTo) + 1;
    let fullDays := floor(countDays / 7);
    let partDays := countDays % 7;
    let addDays := (7 - weekday(dateFrom) + dow) % 7;
    let extraDay := number(addDays < partDays);
    fullDays + extraDay


    Regards John

    • admin.3
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    perfect thank you very much john

    although I could not understand the code

    • John_Halls
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Let's take July 2021.


    The number of days in the month, 31 is calculated by this line

    let countDays := days(DateFrom, DateTo) + 1

    There are at least 4 days for any day of the week, and this comes from dividing 31 by 7 and taking the whole number part

    let fullDays := floor(countDays / 7)

    There may be a 5th day. If we re-arrange the calendar we can see when that happens


    We have 3 additional days, calculated by taking the modulo (the remainder) of 31 divided by 7 

    let partDays := countDays % 7

    How many days does it take us to get from the start date to our test date

    let addDays := (7 - weekday(dateFrom) + dow) % 7

    If it take more days than we have available the number of days will remain at 4, but if we can get there withing the number of days availabe there will be an extra 5th day

    let extraDay := number(addDays < partDays)

    Now add the two together to give us our answer

    fullDays + extraDay


    This is the tricky line

    let addDays := (7 - weekday(dateFrom) + dow) % 7

    You can see how it works here


    This is saying

    It take 5 days to get from Monday to Saturday, it take 1 day to get from Friday to Saturday, and it takes 6 days to get from Sunday to Saturday


    Regards John

    • admin.3
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    all my respect