calculating memberships in a sportsclub
Hello guys,
i made a database for our club management. It's a small sportsclub for kids. No i have tables for "Members, Member groups, Training groups and Activities" In Training groups i have the sport teams (i can put the training group in the table "members" - so all training groups are filled with the fixed teamplayers. The same i did with member groups (for example Family Huber and all members from that family are in that group...because i setted it in members) - In Activities i write all my trainings incl. the right training group. NOW MY QUESTION: #1 It would be perfect, when i can see the registered teamplayers of the training group in a list - when i put the training group in the activity - so that i can mark that players which are really coming to that training! AND NOW QUESTION #2 In memberships i have a blocksystem. Families can buy blocks (for example a block with 20 tickets) which are can be used from that family members. FOR me it would be important that the database reduce the quantity of tickets when a family member is coming to a training. I hope it's not written to silly;-) PLEASE HELP me - i would be so happy if there is any solution for that! Thanxx Andy
5 replies
Hello Andy,
Look here:
in the CASH REGISTER you can add a Tickets. And the amount is reduced when family members participate in activities.
I have assumed that only one trainning group participates per activity, and that one member can be enrolled in multiple groups at the same time
i looked just shortly but will check it out tonight after trainings!
It looks fantastic....i will write tomorrow how it works!!
Thank you so much in anyway!!!
Hey Leo,
yes it works all fine now and i made it bigger with more options. (Nearby NINOX is amazing...but specially the support here!) NOW i have two final questions: Is it possible that i can see in the table "member groups" just the activities where the joined (present) and not the activities where the are registered - but were not present.? Second question is, if i can make one field in the table "members" who show me the age in years (combined to the birth date, what is already there)?? THANXX a lot (The database i can send you...but an open dropbox isn't possible, because i have already all data from clients there)
Hello Andy,
1. in the table members group (in the subtable members), the joined aktivities are already filtered. The formula:
2. You can insert a formula field f(x) with a formula:
age('birth date')
You can send me the database to
Leo, thank you so much! I have sent you a email with details!!
THANK YOUUUUU for that amazing support!
greets andy
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- 6 yrs agoLast active
- 5Replies
- 2441Views