Pulling data from Power BI???

I am a complete rookie when it comes to all of this but I've done my best to learn as I go. One of the main things I would like to be able to accomplish is this:

To reference specific data points of a table on a page in a report in Power BI. I want my database to be able to automatically update a field that is called lets say "Qualifying.YTD" based on a certain field in the mentioned report in Power BI. So far the only way I've been able to solve this equation is by using power query in Excel and then using Zapier to run zaps referencing a single cell to a cell in Ninox. And there's about 100 accounts/records that would need this specific Zap so that's alot. I know there's API for Power BI but im not sure how to do any of the tasks I'm requiring. Any help would be more than appreciated! If my goal is even possible that is....

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