How do you find if a value is present in a table ref

I have a table Customers with a 1-n relation to contacts. The contact table contains the user field access.


How can I check if current user is one of the contacts defined in customers.contacts.access 


Thank you 




5 replies

    • Jesper_Ordrup
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    To elaborate further. The idea is to be able to show if the current user is related to the customer.


    Contacts - relates to Customers. Contains a field "access" that is of type "user".
    Projects - relates to Customers

    How can I show a field on a project that show if current user is related to the Customer?


    Ive tried aggregated functions but theres only a few: first/last/concat/count -which doesnt bring me further.

    I would think that I should make some sort of 

    select Customers.Contacts where access = user()

    Or something that works with array?

    Thank you


    • Jesper_Ordrup
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    As I understand it the select is doing a table lookup unlrelated to the current so in the example I made here it would also require adding a relation to which customer I need contacts from. maybe the more "correct" approach is to do something with the collection that is received.

    If I in the formular reference Customers.Contacts.access and concat it it shows only the users related to this customer. But how do I query this ?

    • Jesper_Ordrup
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I found a solution. Please let me know if this is the optimal:

    let ret := false;
    for contact in Customers.Contacts.access do
    if contact.User = user() then ret := true end


    Thank you


    • Ninox developper
    • Jacques_TUR
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Do you tried one request like that ?

    count(Custmer.Contacs.access where User = user())>0;  => return true if count is > 0.

    • Jesper_Ordrup
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Thanks Jacques - that was much faster :-)