Printing Issues--Expanding Rich Text and movement of other fields

I am trying to print a report.  I have one side of the page set up with some specifics about the case and 2/3 of the right side of the print layout is the actual report.  The report must identify different sections, which each individual section is a rich text field (Brief Update, Current Status, Recommendations, Summary....) Each of these must allow for flexibility to allow expanding the text field.  The problem is that the expanding text field is doing what it should however 2 things occur that are problems.

1.  The other sections don't move so the expanding text goes behind the other sections.

2.  The items on the left side start moving as well.

Help would be greatly appreciated!!!!

3 replies

    • Kari.1
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Does anyone have any ideas?

    • Craig
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Kari,

    I have a lot of layouts that work with flexible heights. Just check up in the top right corner you have the drop-down set to "Auto Height" on all of the relevant fields and that they are positioned in the page body. From there I would say to check the boxes in questions have been lined up with the ones above, basically, nudge it up with a mouse or trackpad till you see the orange guide.

    If the items on the left are moving it might be because a box is overlapping but I have not experienced that issue before.

    Hope this helps in some way.


    • Kari.1
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Thanks Craig.  I still must be doing something wrong because I tried all your suggestions and it still moves.  I am just changing the layout so I don't have 2 columns at this point.