Enter data directly into subform grid

Is it possible to enter data directy into the subform grid when it is sitting on the main form?

If i have the grid not nested into the main form then i can do this as the table sits on the lft hand side and you can take advantage of the open os table or grid (or double click into a field) to enter data.

However the form i wnat to add info in would be a child form (embedded ie composed) into the main form .

ie like invoice items on an invoice form.. Thus when i want to enter/edit data. I have to open each row of data in turn to edit the information fly out form style - whereas i would prefer to click and edit just ike a spreadsheet. My subform will only have approx 5 fields in the row.

Cna this be done or does anyone know if there a workaround?

Screenshot 2020-01-06 at 19.42.57

1 reply

    • Support
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    This is not yet possible.
