Search and add a field from another record in same table to a record

Screen Shot 2020-04-04 at 2.40.51 PM

let me := this;
if LinkUrl1 then
for i in select '1 - EV master file' where UID_Key = me.LinkUrl1 and Id != me.Id do
let myResult := (create URL);
myResult.('1 - EV master file2' := me);
myResult.('1 - EV master file' := i)

The code above did not work.

I want to search other records for the ID provided in field LinkURL1 in record A and then display a specific field from the found record in field URL1 in record A.


Thanks stay safe

1 reply

    • wynand
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Thanks I solved this one myself