I would like to show the count of each multiple field together in a chart.

For example, if Record 1 has choice "A", Record 2 has choice "B", and Record 3 has choices "A" & "B", the groups that I am getting are:

A - 1

B - 1

A,B -1

I would like to get:

A - 2

B - 2

1 reply

    • Customer Service Ninox
    • Maria_pasini
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Dear Belinda, If you want to count the number of records that have the choices A and B than you should use the select statement to go through the entire table, and count these records. Please create a formula field and try the following code:

    count(select Table where choice like "A")

    count(select Table where choice like "B")