Function result from multiple tables
I have a formula result sub-table A that I want to multiply by a number entered on sub-table B. I wrote the formula by clicking the field for A, "*", clicking the field for B. I get "Invalid operator: [number]*number at line 1, column 37". What am I doing wrong?
10 replies
field_A * field_B
not "*"
Sure, I didn't have quotes in the formula. Sorry for the confusion
Maybe this will help.
Try number(INSTRUMENTATION.Total)... It looks like you are trying to multiply with a field that is being stored as type array.
Didn't work, same error. Strange.
Didn't work, same error. Strange.
What does it display if you just have INSTRUMENTATION.Total in the formula field?
No error; it fills in the result from that field.
Maybe try to convert to text before converting to a number???
Also, what about
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- 5 yrs agoLast active
- 10Replies
- 2807Views