Does Ninox actually store documents or simply link to them?

My team leader would like to explore if Ninox can substitute for Dropbox as a solution for storing photos and documents. I see Andy Marks has released a new YouTube video on how to create a Ninox photo album and I also see that a Ninox table record has a documents button. With respect to the documents button, does Ninox actually upload and store the documents or simply link to them? What about storage limitations? Comments?

Any advice would be appreciated!

3 replies

    • blackie
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Yes it does upload the document and images for the cloud version.

    If you share a table as HTML, the Image feild is "shared" via http. You can attach some types of documents to the Image field besides image files.

    once that is done, I create a trigger on create action that does this:

    mainShareURL := "https://share.ninoxdb.de/ReplaceWithYourTableShareURL"


    This is the code on my button. The mainShareURL button must be properly populated for it to work:


    let response := http("GET", mainShareURL);
    let startNum := index(text(response.result), ">" + text(this.Id) + "<");
    let Text1 := substr(text(response.result), startNum);
    startNum := index(Text1, "a href=");
    Text1 := substr(Text1, startNum);
    let endNum := index(Text1, "<img");
    path := substr(Text1, 9, endNum - 11);
    startNum := index(path, "files");
    path := substr(path, startNum - 1);
    URL := mainShareURL + path;
    Text := printAndSaveRecord(this, "layout")


    The button basicly gives you the path to the files.

    • blackie
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    the last line on the button  script is not needed. It was from some other testing.

    Text := printAndSaveRecord(this, "layout")

    • blackie
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Oh, you have to make sure the view you share has the ID field included.