Is it possible to drag a message from Outlook inbox to add as an attachment without having it delete the message from the Outlook inbox?

When I drag an message from my outlook inbox to the file attachment tab of a database record it deletes the outlook message from my inbox.

Is there a way other than saving the outlook message first to a seperate *.msg file and then attaching to the data base record and then deleteing the saved message?

4 replies

    • SECOS Group
    • quartz_cap
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I'd love to know the answer to this to (now tht I know its actually something that can be done!) but I think its more of an Outlook problem.


    From what I understand when dragging an email to a location that is on the same disk. If its not on the same disk (external source, public share folder etc) it copies.


    Currently googling to see if there's a way to change it to always be copy. Apparently right click-and-drag is meant to achieve it but that doesn't work with Ninox

    • SECOS Group
    • quartz_cap
    • 5 yrs ago
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    So realised I was typing so fast some of that didn't make sense.

    When its on the same disk, it moves the file. Which would make you think that it would just disappear from Outlook. But no. Outlook has to be a pain and move it to the deleted folder.

    • jfordpico
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Thanks for your response.   since I am using Ninox in the cloud space instead of a local drive  I would think it would make a copy.

    Maybe someone else will have a solution.   

    My application is tracking activities of projects and it would be nice to be able to attach emails that are associated with the activities.   I can always save the file to a scratch folder and then attach the file from that folder but that is not an efficient work flow.

    • SECOS Group
    • quartz_cap
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    We're in a similar boat. We use it as a CRM and while we add interactions which summarise an email (or we can copy and paste), being able to easily drag and drop a copy of the email would be a great, smooth workflow addition.

    I serioudly don't understand why Outlook has to make things so difficult, haha.