How do you code a button to send an email with an attachment?
I'm trying to create a button to email a receipt, the code i've tried is:
let myname := Customers.'Full Name' + "Receipt.pdf";
importFile(this, printAndSaveRecord(this, "Receipt"), myname);
let GTCReceipt := file(this, myname);
from: userEmail(user()),
to: text(Email_for_Quote),
cc: "email address of business owner",
subject: "GTC Receipt",
text: "Hi, " + Customers.Forename + "
Thanks for your payment, your receipt is attached.
Many thanks. '
attachments: GTCReceipt
alert("Receipt eMailed")
The file saves ok, and the alert is created okay, but no emails are sent to either the to: or cc:
what am i doing wrong. I use ipad, Mac desktop and ninox cloud through safari
1 reply
I've got this working now. The to: & cc: entries had to be
to: text(Email_for_Invoice)
cc: text(email address of business owner).
The field Email_for_Quote had trigger processing associated with it to trigger the same address to the Email_for_Invoice field.
The Email_for_Invoice had no additional processing.
The reason for the two fields was I wanted to see the email address on two different tabs on the view form, also there are a few rare occassions when we quote to one person and invoice another.
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- 5 yrs agoLast active
- 1Replies
- 1754Views