Copy/Pasted dates incorrectly parsed...

I have several CSV files that contain dates in the following text format:

Jun 24, 2019
Jul 2, 2019
Feb 3, 2019

etc..  The cells are unformmated, CSV, and they're supplied to me like that on a monthly basis...

I've always copied them into a Ninox database, and have just noticed that the pasted dates aren't being parsed correctly..   all the dates exampled above are being converted to:

24 Jan, 2019
2 Jan, 2019
3 Jan, 2019

This seems to be a bug in Ninox - because if I convert the cells in the Excel sheet to 'date' format, they're parsed correctly..  

1 reply

    • Support
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Jason,
    If you want to copy a date in a date field this way, you need to paste it in the same format you have set in your region settings of your device in the Medium line, as that is the format Ninox will display and expect on direct inserting it in the field.




    Best, Jörg