Getting a 429 Too Many Requests error from my Integromat scenario when accessing Ninox API
Can you please send me a link to the document that contains the limits of the API, i.e. how many requests is acceptable, over what time period and how long I should back off if I receive a 429, any other error codes I should be aware of, I can't find this information in the documentation section or the forum? Please don't ask me to raise this at the API workshop as this is at a very inconvenient time for me (I work in Australia) and you don't support workshop recordings/replays. I don't think it is a suitable way of supporting your users in timezones outside of Europe/US. I can't be your only user in this situation!
15 replies
We have a introduced a limit on the number of parallel API calls. Please make sure to wait for the answer before sending the next request.
Thanks for the reply but it doesn't help. I have multiple Integromat scenarios and as I'm sure you're aware, given your recent webinars in conjunction with Integromat, scenarios execute in independent scopes, i.e. an API call to Ninox in one scenario knows nothing of an API call to Ninox in another scenario. This means I can not wait for the answer before sending another request unless I combine all my Integromat scenarios into one massive scenario, which isn't plausible. What I need to know is what I actually asked for, i.e. what exactly is the limit ("number of parallel calls" could mean anything, is it 1 per day or 1,000 per millisecond!), if I receive a 429 how long should I pause before retrying, what other error codes could I receive from the API and how should they be handled. Can you please have this information added to the documentation. Can you also point me to the announcement that informs me that the service I am paying for has been limited, as I was unaware that limits were being imposed and they are costing me money especially as I don't have any documentation detailing what the limits actually are meaning my automated business processes keep stopping? It is not cool to make undocumented changes to a service that directly impact paying customers.
Hi Alec,
thanks for reaching out. You can aslo attend our integration webinar on mondays to get help from our experts:
Best regards, Alex
Hi Alex
Thanks for finally responding but you don't seem to have read my posts. The zoom call you list is at 3am in the morning for me (Australia) which just isn't reasonable. You don't even offer recordings of the webinar! I simply need the limits of the API documented. That's not a lot to ask for on a service I pay for. Please stop trying to push me to webinars, it is not the answer for everyone, I don't want to waste an hour of my personal time to ask a question that should be documented. Please just get your documentation up to standard. I don't understand the reluctance to document your service! If the API limits have been documented please just send me the link as I can't find them? I really like your product but your reliance on unrecorded webinars as the answer to support queries is frankly awful. At the very least record them so that clients who put their family life above work can actually review.
Looking forward to that link on documented API limits!
OK is this really acceptable, I raised this question over a month ago? My business is being impacted and I am being ignored. It is not a difficult question, I need to know what the API limits are, exactly. I need to know the rate of requests exactly, I need to know when I receive a 429 how long I need to hold off exactly. I work with a large number of API's and this is the only one that doesn't document their limits! This is no longer funny and NO I can not attend a 3am webinar to ask this question. Document the limits and publish them! It is not acceptable to take my money and then impose undocumented limits with no notification. Your terms and conditions state that I will be notified in writing or by email for changes in terms before they are made. This is a change in service terms and I was not notified in any way. What more do I need to do to get you to actually provide some support on this! I am astonished at how amateurish this support is, if you can't support people who aren't prepared to get up in the middle of the night to waste an hour of their sleep in order to ask a question that should be documented, then you should make that clear on your sales page. I am being penalised because I don't live in Germany! I am sorry that I have started to get angry and ramble but the responses I have got here are pathetic and beyond frustrating. I just don't understand why nobody can write the limits down! Are you guys about to go bust? Do I need to find another service provider? Do you actually care? When will someone actually help! I'm going to try filling in the support request as well but I'm pretty sure it's operated by the same people so should I expect to get a different answer!
Dear Alec,
Sorry for the inconvenience. As you have now sent an e-mail directly to, the support team will provide you an answer.
The API-workshop on Friday takes place 10 am CET what means between 5 pm and 8 pm Australian time, depending where in Australia you are located. Probably that fits better in your schedule than the Monday workshop.
Whithout knowing your constructions of your API it is not possible to provide a precise answer. Thank you for your understanding.
Kind regards, Jörg
Yes the Friday one is 6pm for me, the same time I make dinner and feed my children, it's still a long way from convenient, so far I have been able to attend one out of the last 7 or 8. I don't have an API, I use Integromat. The construction(s) of my code is irrelevant to my question. Firstly if your API has limits then these are either random or they are known. All I require is a document listing what the API limits are or an explanation as to why this is not possible. The only possible reason for not telling me that I can think of is that you are treating different customers with different limits, despite the customers paying the same price, which not being described in your terms would be fraud, by the way! There is no point thanking me for my understanding because I don't understand. I am asking for something that should be documented to be documented, that's it. Your obsession with webinars as the only way to document your API is astonishing. And the fact that they are not recorded or transcribed is bizarre and extremely frustrating. You seem to be determined to make supporting me as difficult as possible for me. You could easily have published the limits in less time then you have used to reply to these messages! I still don't have an answer from my email to support, all my automations are issuing 429 since early this morning my time, even though I have made no changes and I am not a heavy user. This is costing me real money and I have to wait another week till I can ask a question in a webinar as my only option to get help! Today I have lost approximately $620 as a direct result of your API limitations and you are describing it as inconvenient. What precisely am I paying for if the only answer you give is to attend a webinar!!!
I thank you for your understanding but your response falls short of helping. Your API has limits and is issuing 429 Too Many Requests. Answer the question, what is too many and how long should one wait until trying again? How can you not know the answer to this question, is it your service or not?
Yours ever more frustrated and increasingly poorer
We will call you tomorrow (Tuesday the 3rd) in the late afternoon around 5 pm.
In the mean time please try the following: create a new API key for your user and use that instead of the old one.
Best, Jörg
What do you know the API has stopped issuing 429s for my automations. I made no change and it was still broken late last night. If I have been making an error then it has timed out. If someone has been impersonating me then they have stopped. Changing the API key is the first sensible suggestion made despite this thread being open for a month! Please don't call at 5pm, it is not convenient, I have a client, I have to feed my children and then take them to tutorials and sports clubs and I can't rearrange all of that at such short notice. I am free for a call anytime between 1pm and 4pm my time. Alternatively please just supply the documentation, does it really not exist! I did finally get a response from support at 11pm my time which I believe is 2pm your time! They eventually conceded that the "The limit is 10 concurrent API-calls at the same time." but did not elaborate any further. I have not had any documentation and have no idea how this is measured e.g. by API key, by IP address by some other means, I have no idea whether the error clears when concurrency drops or after a time delay? I have no idea what constitutes a call, is it http connection or do some endpoints count as multiple calls? I would love to see some documentation but nobody can give it to me! I have asked for web logs to show my concurrency but nothing, just phone calls or webinars at wholly unsuitable times. Please, please, please just give me a document. I am not an idiot, I can read and if I am making a mistake I am highly likely to discover it with a document. Why are you so unprofessional, I understand you are in Germany and that providing support in other time zones is a challenge but that is where documentation is key. Please just provide it and stop trying to get me to rearrange my life to fit in with your non-global support processes.
I am stuck at 239 records. This needs addressed!
Please make sure you send new request only if and when you recieved the answer. It is about a cap in parallel requests!
Is there any update to this? I'm looking into Ninox as a solution for our company and a lack of API clarity is a huge blocker for us.
I'd like to know about rate limiting too. Due to the lack of response and documentation, I'm guessing that specific rate limits at Ninox is not formally configured nor enforced but rather depending on server load. A form of documentation similar to Airtable's documentation on rate limit helps clear up the clouds on this semi-answered matter.
Is there an update to this? I cannot find any in the documentation. Some of us are building a business on top of your solution and this could become a major impact.
Also nice: if I search for "429 Too Many Requests" This thread here doesn't occur inn the search results at all. What is going on here?
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