Formula don't work
Hi I need to take a Date from one table and insert in other field in other tablet that is posible.?
I try (select FechaCorte). DataDate O try (select FechaCorte.)' DataDate)
but don't work.
2 replies
Using a select always gives an array of multiple records. You need to specify which record you need, like:
first((select FechaCorte).DataDate) This gives the first record or if you need the last record use: last((select FechaCorte).DataDate) This gives the last record in line. If you need a specific record you need to use a filter like: first((select FechaCorte where Id = 13).DataDate) This gives the record with ID 13.
Excelente Steven many thanks
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- 2 yrs agoLast active
- 2Replies
- 67Views